Save the Illinois River, Inc.
24369 E 757 Rd.
Tahlequah, OK 74464-1949
(918) 284-9440

U.S. EPA Rejects Arkansas List of Impaired Waters

The U.S. EPA Rejected Arkansas' 2020 list of impaired waters when Arkansas declined to list some streams as impaired.  EPA, over Arkansas' objections, added segments of the Illinois River, Osage Creek, and Spring Creek to the mandated report to EPA.

See the EPA-added stream segments for the Illinois River, Osage Creek, and Spring Creek (highlighted by STIR) on page 7.

Here is the 2020 Arkansas list of impaired waters as amended by EPA as well as related documents (zip file)

The federal Clean Water Act prohibits states from further impairing streams and lakes if they are already listed as impaired, i.e., for phosphorus or bacteria.  Sewage discharge permits for cities discharging to the Illinois River provide for a 1 mg/L phosphorus limit currently.  This includes the Oklahoma cities of Tahlequah and Westville.