See: Title 82, sectioons 896.1 to 896.16
The Oklahoma Legislature finds that certain free-flowing streams and rivers of Oklahoma possess such unique natural scenic beauty, water, fish, wildlife and outdoor recreational values of present and future benefit to the people of the state that it is the policy of the Legislature to preserve these areas for the benefit of the people of Oklahoma. For this purpose the following are hereby designated as scenic rivers:
1. The Flint Creek in Delaware County;
2. The Illinois River in Adair, Delaware and Cherokee Counties above its confluence with the Barren Fork Creek;
3. The Barren Fork Creek in Adair and Cherokee Counties from the present alignment of U.S. Highway 59 West to its confluence with the Illinois River;
4. The Upper Mountain Fork River above the 600-foot elevation level of Broken Bow Reservoir in McCurtain and LeFlore Counties;
5. Big Lee Creek in Sequoyah County, above the 420-foot MSL elevation; and
6. Little Lee Creek in Adair and Sequoyah Counties.
Historical Data
Laws 1970, HB 1152, c. 68, § 2; Amended by Laws 1974, HB 1639, c. 56, § 1; Amended by Laws 1986, SB 539, c. 33, § 1, emerg. eff. March 21, 1986; Amended by Laws 1988, SB 354, c. 203, § 9, emerg. eff. June 10, 1988; Amended by Laws 1991, HB 1110, c. 7, § 2, emerg. eff. July 1, 1991; Amended by Laws 1997, SB 30, c. 241, § 5, emerg. eff. July 1, 1997 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2003, HB 1422, c. 305, § 2, emerg. eff. May 28, 2003 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2016, SB 1388, c. 297, § 8, emerg. eff. July 1, 2016 (superseded document available); Renumbered from 82 O.S. § 1452 by Laws 2016, SB 1388, c. 297, § 25, emerg. eff. July 1, 2016.