STIR starts Green Growers list to provide options to Big Chicken and Boss Hog. (10/5/05)
Check the Green Growers List and support growers and producers who are environmentally responsible below.
Here are more listings for Save the Illinois River’s listing of environmentally responsible growers and producers of poultry, pork, etc.
Please support these farms providing options to Big Chicken and Boss Hog. We will add producers to the list as they are made known to us.
Contact STIR at
Redbird Randy Fare-Webbers Falls, 918 464-2770
We raise Chicken and Turkeys, in season, and have eggs from hens raised on pasture. We also raise pasture pork.
Mark & Erin Parman
Redbird Ranch Fare
Webbers Falls
The following producers have pork or chicken:
5F Farms
Charles Horn
Goose Island Farm
Happy Lucky Chicken Farm
Natural Farms
Paradise Valley Organics
Walters Hatchery