Save the Illinois River, Inc.
24369 E 757 Rd.
Tahlequah, OK 74464-1949
(918) 284-9440

EPA says Illinois River Impaired

Save the Illinois River Inc. | Environment | August 11, 2024
NOTE PLEASE:  Public comments on EPA's position on river impairments can be made at this location:  Details about the regulation and links to related documents are available at

Public comments on the proposed change should go to Richard Wooster, Water Quality Protection Section, by email, mail or telephone, according to the EPA. The email address is: and should include "FRL–comment" in the subject line. Letters should be addressed to: Mr. Richard Wooster, Mail Code R6WDPQ, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 6, 1201 Elm St., Dallas, Texas 75270.

STIR's public comment to United States EPA on Arkansas 303(d) list of impaired waters

Regarding FRL-comment to U.S. EPA
Mr. Richard Wooster
Mail Code R6WDPQ
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 6
1201 Elm St.
Dallas, Texas 75270.

Dear Mr. Wooster,
Save the Illinois River, Inc., STIR, a Tahlequah, Oklahoma-based not for profit organization created to protect the Illinois River, its tributaries, aquifers, and Lake Tenkiller in Oklahoma, fully supports the United States EPA in seeking greater water quality protection for the Illinois River watershed in both Arkansas and in Oklahoma.
Specifically, STIR supports the EPA’s current findings that additional waters and stream segments of the Illinois River in Arkansas be listed as impaired for phosphorus even though these areas are not listed as impaired by the State of Arkansas (303(d) Clean Water Act report).
Because the Illinois River is very obviously impaired by phosphorus and other sources including bacteria, STIR strongly believes that the U.S. EPA should require both Arkansas and Oklahoma to conduct a Total Maximum Daily Load study of the Illinois River and its tributaries.  Voluntary efforts to lower phosphorus levels in the watershed, in leu of TMDLs, are not working satisfactorily in STIR's opinion.
I hope this statement sufficiently demonstrates STIR's desire for a cleaner, safer Illinois River watershed and appreciation for U.S. EPA's diligence in listing additional Illinois River stream segments  as impaired by phosphorus.

Denise Deason-Toyne
Save the Illinois River, Inc. President


From the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette

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The EPA wants to add seven portions of the Illinois River and its tributaries to a state-compiled list of impaired waters, which means water bodies that do not meet EPA standards of acceptable limits of pollution. The state Division of Environmental Quality objected to those additions, state and federal records show.
Discharge into impaired waters by wastewater treatment plants, private or public, are subject to heavier restrictions under the federal Clean Water Act. The portions the EPA wants to add include two sections in the main body of the river, four along Osage Creek and one along Spring Creek

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