Save the Illinois River, Inc.
24369 E 757 Rd.
Tahlequah, OK 74464-1949
(918) 284-9440

Large Matts of Algae

STIR | Environment | November 15, 2024

Ed Fite, Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Commission administrator, has witnessed large masses of algae on the Illinois River near Tahlequah. A concerned citizen emailed STIR about floating masses of material in the upper Illinois River.  Ed Fite of the OSRC has an answer for questions about this material. The video shows proliferous Cladophora growth across the streambed at the south end of City-Riverside Park. The Park is located under/downstream of the U.S.Hwy. 62 bridge just east of Tahlequah. Watch the video closely as several pieces of the Cladophora break off and float downstream. Some refer to the Cladophora as “Mermaid Hair” because of its wave action in the current.

Click here to watch the video.