MEETING DATE: Tuesday, June 21, 2005
MEETING TIME: 5:00 p.m.
MEETING PLACE: OSRC Headquarters Building - Located two (2) miles
Northeast of Tahlequah, OK, on State Highway "Scenic" #10 North
01. Meeting called to order.
02. Invocation.
03. Roll Call.
04. Introduction of Guests and Visitors
05. Welcome and acknowledgement of the reappointment to a new term of office for OSRC Commissioner Bob Ed Culver.
06. Administrator’s Report.
Report on recently concluded Session of the Oklahoma Legislature;
Initiation of new OSRC Rules and Regulations, Chapter 10 & Chapter 15;
Report on-going activity to communicate and coordinate with Arkansas lawmakers, agencies, municipalities, universities and industry to support the development of water quality improvements within Oklahoma designated scenic rivers areas;
Report on tourist/float season activity to date;
Stakeholder meetings; and
Gravel mining issues.
07. Ranger Department Report.
08. Education Outreach Report.
09. Consideration, vote to approve, amend or take other action on the right-of-way easement for Rural Water District #3, Cherokee County, OK, on OSRC lands.
10 Consideration, vote to approve, amend or take other action on a water system contract with Rural Water District #3, Cherokee County, OK, to locate 4 inch water
casing, valves and fill hydrant on OSRC lands. Total contract not to exceed $8,000.00.
11. Consideration, vote to approve, amend or take other action on Arrowhead Camp’s noncompliance with OSRC Rules & Regulations relating to Commercial Flotation
Device Permits, User Fees and licensing requirements.
Explanation by staff;
Discussion and comments by Commissioners;
Comments from Arrowhead Camp officials/representatives;
Vote on motion(s).
12. Discussion regarding development of requirements as a condition of Commercial Flotation Device Permit licensing.
13. Discussion on establishing a designated portion of the river and associated public access areas as no alcoholic beverage float areas or designating no alcoholic
beverage float days.
14. Consideration, vote to approve, amend or take other action on a resolution opposing the land application of any effluent water from facilities processing poultry or other
animal waste into commercial fertilizers within scenic river watersheds within OSRC jurisdiction.
15. New Business. Under the Open Meeting Act, this agenda item is authorized only for matters not known about or that could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting the agenda or any revised agenda.
16. Miscellaneous Discussion. This item is included within the agenda to allow time for general discussion between OSRC Commissioners and guests present for the meeting. This agenda item allows NO ACTION may be taken by OSRC Commissioners.
17. Adjournment.
June 25, 2005 Campground Program "Get Hooked" Fishing Clinic
July 2, 2005 Campground Program "Bird’s the Word"
July 8, 2005 Illinois River Clean-up
July 9, 2005 Campground Program "A Fireside Chat with Dr. Cricket"
July 16, 2005 Campground Program "Stream Cleaning"
July 23, 2005 Campground Program "Things That Go Bump in the Night"
July 30, 2005 Campground Program "Macroinvertebrate Mayhem"
August 6, 2005 Campground Program "Campfire Program"
August 13, 2005 Campground Program "Wise Guys"
August 16, 2005 OSRC Regular Business Meeting, OSRC Headquarters, 5 p.m.
August 20, 2005 Campground Program "Let Worms Recycle Your Garbage"
August 27, 2005 Campground Program "Snakes Alive"
September 3, 2005 Campground Program Storytelling and Stargazing"
September 9, 2005 Illinois River Clean-up
November 15, 2005 OSRC Regular Business Meeting, OSRC Headquarters, 5 p.m.
*Campground Programs are hosted at the Round Hollow Public Access Area located approximately 16 miles northeast of Tahlequah on State Highway "Scenic" 10 North and begin at 6:30 p.m.
All interested individuals who have a disability or need special assistance in attending any OSRC meeting or sponsored event should call (918) 456-3251. The OSRC will provide reasonable accommodations to insure that all individuals have the opportunity to participate in the meeting.
This agenda was posted at the OSRC Headquarters Building and distributed to the OSRC e-mail list Monday, June 13, 2005.