Save the Illinois River, Inc.
24369 E 757 Rd.
Tahlequah, OK 74464-1949
(918) 284-9440

[Archived] The Oklahoma Farm Bureau's dirty tricks

| News | January 12, 2013

Save the Illinois River, Inc. (STIR) issues statement regarding ambush of conservationist's appointment to water board. 

STIR statement issued Thursday, April 21, 2005 regarding the appointment of Ed Fite to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board and subsequent attempt by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau to throttle the appointment.  (Ed Fite is Vice President of STIR and did not request or write the following statement)

The ambush of Ed Fite's appointment to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau is inexcusable.

Fite is a respected water conservationist and scenic rivers protector.  He will be an asset to the OWRB and a much needed advocate for the many Oklahomans who desire clean water.

STIR hopes that people are finally fed up with the scheming and back door legislative lobbying of the Farm Bureau and Arkansas poultry companies.  Every day seems to see another dirty trick aimed at avoiding responsibility for pollution of eastern Oklahoma streams and lakes.

It seems that at least some of our legislators are intent on doing favors for the Dirty Water Lobby instead of protecting the waters of  Oklahoma.